Mykola Kravchenko - Full Stack Developer


Education, work experience, skills
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2001 - 2006

Engineer programmer

National Aerospace University (Kharkov Aviation Institute)

Faculty of Informatics, Software of Automated Systems

2007 - 2009


Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education

Faculty of Management and Psychology, specialty - psychology


  • Office automation systems, electronic document management
  • Software as a Service (SAAS services)
  • Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM, ERP, BPM)
  • Software and hardware systems for data collection and dispatch control (SCADA systems)
  • Aggregators, content parsers, collection of information from other sites
  • Programs for working with external equipment (various sensors, controllers)
  • Specialized content management systems developed for a specific project (CMS)


12.2007 - 03.2025


Freelance, his own boss :)

Full Stack programmer, freelancer. Development of software to order

09.2007 - 12.2007

Engineer programmer

Scientific and innovative VENBEST-Ltd

Development of drivers for existing equipment. Data transmission software over the GSM network (sms, gprs, csd), mobile security systems, programs for working with GPS and electronic cards. Development of client-server applications. Development of programs working on SMTP, POP3, HTTP protocols. Encryption of data. Multithreaded applications.

07.2006 - 10.2006


Rosan (department of software development)

Participated in the creation of a system of control and management of transport. Development of client workstations, database synchronization system, workflow automation for Zepter. Creating reports QuickReport, FastReport. Export data to other formats.


PHP 5.6, 8.x + frameworks

JavaScript (jQuery)

HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap5, adaptive design

DBMS(SQL/NoSQL) - MongoDB, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, FireBird (Interbase)

Object Pascal (Delphi 7-11)

Understanding the principles MVC, PDO, OOA/OOD/OOP

Knowledge SVN, GIT


CMS WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Tilda, MODX, OpenCart

ОС Windows 8+, ОС Windows Server, UNIX(Ubuntu)

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Canva

Work with industrial equipment - Datalogic, Danfoss, Mettler Toledo, Bizerba, Datasensor, Метра, Datecs, Carel

Protocols - OVEN, Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, DCON, Modbus TCP, GateWay